July 15, 2023










June 8, 2021


 It's another year since my last post. Time flies. Many things had changed, some may not. 

Been watching a lot of movies and dramas recently just to kill time in this MCO period, now called FMCO. I had not been into reading books moreover meditating for quite a long time, which some says these activities somehow comfort your inner peace as people easily got short temper when they are stuck at home. I have been procrastinating a lot lately too. Nothing seems to catch my attention including baking. I somehow succeeded in my career but failing in all other aspects. Aside from the negativity, I did improve a bit la, in terms of home exercising and facial as in cleaning my face every day (I use to wash my fash once a week or lesser).

I have friends that switch jobs which surprise me and somehow amaze me. I'm glad for their changes and courage to leap on another journey. They said as a youth, you must continue striking for betterment while you still have the energy, you cannot stay too long in your comfort zone. I'm sure you hear this everywhere. I wanted a change to, in any form in good terms, but I have no idea even to the smallest thing such as what I like. They say you can still start striking off what you don't like and I had been doing this for the longest time and the list still goes on. I envy those that are clear on their direction and interest in a positive way. 

All in all, I'm not a negative person, not spreading negativity too, you can still find encouragement from above (I hope). I'm just ranting as someone who's reaching the age of 30 but still taking baby steps finding her way, not losing direction too I suppose. 

By the way, my post is getting so so boring. I make sure I come back with something interesting and maybe photos on the next post. Haven't taken a photo of myself for a very long while but definitely looks different and older from the header young me. P/s: I'm getting my Covid vaccine next month, I'm excited and nervous at the same time, it's going to be interesting.

November 19, 2020


It's been a while since I last log in here. Technology races so fast we hardly can catch up on the trends. Probably it's just me. 

Log in to see one incomplete post drafted back in Year 2018 on Hanoi trip. I went back to Vietnam early this year again to Nha Trang before the lockdown. Been going back to Vietnam every 2 years as it's very economical for me and I love the food, they have this vegetable smell in most of their food which you probably couldn't find it elsewhere. And the coffee is good! It tasted different from any Kopitiam or cafe.

Year 2020 wasn't a good year, coronavirus affects almost everyone in the world. Is poisonous and attacks everyone regardless of who you are. Everyone is beaten back to square one, where sitting on an airplane and traveling were luxurious. You appreciate even it's traveling locally. 

I appreciate my job where I'm classified in the essential sector, got to work, and received a full salary. It's dangerous out there, but you can't hide for a lifetime, just make sure you follow all the rules lay down and be mindful of cleanliness.

Also, I finally had time for reflection. I don't feel that I'm stepping on the right path but correct at the same time. I understand there's no turning back in life, and if so I get to go back, I probably will be going through the same path as I am now. It's confusing, but I guess I'll sort it out someday later before this year ends, I hope.

That's it for now. Hope everyone is still standing strong on their feet. You know you can beat it if your will power is strong. Try walking at a different angle if walking straight doesn't feel right, just make sure you don't bang your head. Every step you make offers a different result, you will never know the outcome until you experience it. There's not much absolute right and wrong in life though. Cheers :)